




(Both these books are being written and under contract)

O’Neill (in preparation) The Oxford History of Spanish Morphology. Oxford: OUP.

O’Neill P. & Dubert. F. (in preparation). The Oxford History of Portuguese and Galician Morphology. Oxford:OUP.

Edited Volumes

Bermingham, N. & P. O’Neill (2022) Language and Education in the Lusophone world. Special linguistics edition of journal Modern Languages Open. Liverpool: LUP

Prado, N., G. Massini-Cagliari & P. O’Neill (organisers) (2020) Variação, mudança e preconceito linguístico: fenômenos da língua portuguesa atual e antiga [variation, change and linguistic prejudice: phenomena from present-day and old Portuguese] Edição especial de Falange Miúda.

Fabregas, A., I. Gil & P. O’Neill. (2005) Cuadernos de Lingüística XII, Madrid. Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset.

Chapters in Books

O’Neill, P. (accepted), The development of morphomic structures. In Rainer, R & P. Arkadiev (eds) Handbook of historical morphology. Oxford: OUP.

O’Neill, P. (in press), Morphologization and the boundary between morphology and phonology in the Romance languages. In Gardani F., M. Loporcaro et al. (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics. Oxford: OUP.

O’Neill, P. (2022), Morphologically ‘autonomous’ structures in the Romance languages. In Gardani F., M. Loporcaro et al. (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics. Oxford: OUP.

Finbow, T & O’Neill, P. (2022), Koinéization and language contact: the social causes of morphological change in and with Portuguese. In Ledgeway, A, J.C. Smith & N. Vincent. Periphrasis and Inflexion in Diachrony: a View from Romance (pp 381-411). Oxford: OUP

O’Neill, P. (in press), Morfología flexiva del verbo. In Dworkin, S., G. Clavería & A. Octavio Toledo (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Routeledge.

O’Neill, P. & Wheeler, M (2022), Sandhi phenomena. In Ledgeway, A & M. Maiden (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics (209-233). Cambridge: CUP

Esher, L & O’Neill, P. (2022), Autonomy of Morphology. In Ledgeway, A & M. Maiden (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics (346-370). Cambridge: CUP

O´Neill, P. (2018). Velar Allomorphy in Ibero-Romance: roots, endings and clashes of morphomes. In Bouzouita, M., I. Sitaridou & E. Pato, (eds.), Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morphosyntax (pp 13-47). [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics series]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

O’Neill, P. (2016). Lexicalism, the Principle of Morphology-free Syntax and the Principle of Syntax-free Morphology. In Hippisley A. & G. Stump (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology (pp 237-272). Cambridge: CUP.

O'Neill, P. (2014). Similar and differing patterns of allomorphy in the Spanish and Portuguese verbs. In Amaral, P. & A. M. Carvalho, (eds), Portuguese/Spanish interfaces (pp. 175-202). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

O'Neill, P. (2013). Morphomes and morphosyntactic/semantic features. In Cruschina, S., M. Maiden, & J.C. Smith, (eds.), Boundaries of Pure Morphology (pp 221-247). Oxford: OUP.

O'Neill, P. (2011). The notion of the Morphome. In Goldbach, M., M. Maiden, & J.C. Smith, (eds.), Morphological Autonomy: Perspectives from Romance Inflectional Morphology. (pp 70-95). Oxford: OUP.

O'Neill, P. (2011). El morfoma en el asturiano: diacronía y sincronía [The morphome in Asturian: diachrony and synchrony]. In Homenaxe a Xosé Lluís García Arías (Vol. 1, pp 319-348). Oviedo: Academia de la Llingua Asturiana.

Maiden, M., & O'Neill, P. (2010). Morphomic Defectiveness. In M. Baerman, G. Corbett, & D. Brown, (eds.) Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us (pp. 103-124). London: OUP/British Academy.

Maiden, M., Swearingen, A., & O'Neill, P. (2010). Imperative Morphology in Diachrony. In M. Dufresne, F. Dupuis, & E. Vocaj, (eds.), Historical Linguistics 2007: Selected Papers from the 18th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Montreal, 6–11 August 2007 (pp 99-108). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Pamies, A., Amorós, M. C., & O'Neill, P. (2007). Esquemas entonativos declarativos en el habla de Almería [Intonational patterns in declarative clauses in the speech of Almería]. In J. Dorta, (ed.), La prosodía en el ámbito lingüístico románico (pp. 299-311). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: La página ediciones.

Articles in Journals

O’Neill, P. (2022). Language and education in Brazil: a historical and critical sociolinguistic perspective. Modern Languages Open 1(14): 1-21.

O’Neill, P. (2022). Língua e educação no Brasil: problemas estruturais linguísticos e suas origens históricas. Modern Languages Open 1(14): 1-21.
Note: Portuguese translation of article above - edition was bilingual.

Bermingham, N & O’Neill, P. Ideological and Theoretical Considerations to Postcolonial Education in the Lusophone Countries. Modern Languages Open 1(13):1-13.

Bermingham, N & O’Neill, P. Considerações ideológicas e teóricas para a educação pós-colonial nos países lusófonos. Modern Languages Open 1(13):1-13.
Note: Portuguese translation of article above - edition was bilingual.

O’Neill, P (2020). Racial and Linguistic prejudice in Brazil: comparisons, contrasts and anthropophagic solutions. Falange Miúda 5(2). [Edição Especial; Variação, mudança e preconceito linguístico: fenômenos da língua portuguesa atual e antiga]

O’Neill, P (2020). O preconceito linguístico e o preconceito racial: comparações, contrastes e soluções antropofágicas. Falange Miúda 5(2).
Note: Portuguese translation of article above.

O’Neill, P & Massini-Cagliari, G. (2019). Linguistic Prejudice and Discrimination in Brazilian Portuguese and beyond: Suggestions and Recommendations. Journal of Language and Discrimination 3(1): 32-62.

O’Neill, P (2018) Near Synonymy in Morphological Structures: Why Catalans can abolish constitutions but Portuguese and Spanish speakers can’t. Languages in Contrast 18(1): 6-34.

O´Neill, P (2015). The Origin and Spread of Velar Allomorphy in the Spanish Verb. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 92(5):489-518.

O'Neill, P (2014). The morphome in constructive and abstractive models of morphology. Morphology, 24: 25-70.

Pato, E & O'Neill, P (2013). Los gerundios analógicos en la Historia del español (e iberorromance) [Analogical gerunds in the history of Spanish (and Ibero-Romance)]. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 61(1): 1-27

O´Neill, P. (2011). Alternancias vocálicas en el presente de los verbos en -ir. Un análisis desde la Morfología Autónoma [Vocalic alternations in the present of -ir verbs. An autonomous morphological analysis]. Revista de la Historia de la Lengua Española, 6:87-129.

O´Neill, P. (2011). New perspectives on the effects of yod in Ibero-Romance. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89(5):665-697.

O'Neill, P. (2011). The Evolution of 'el pretérito y tiempos afines' in Ibero-Romance. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 88:851-878.

O'Neill, P. (2010). Una explicación teórica de la defectividad verbal en la lengua española [A theoretical explanation of verbal defectiveness in Spanish]. Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 302:265-289.

O'Neill, P. (2010). Variación y cambio en las consonantes oclusivas del español de Andalucía [Variation and change in stop consonants in the Spanish of Andalusia]. Estudios de Fonética Experimental, 19:11-41.

O'Neill, P. (2009). Los verbos defectivos en la lengua española: estudio sincrónico y diacrónico descriptivo basado en datos de corpus [Defective verbos in Spanish: a synchronic and diachronic study based on corpus data]. Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 300:255-287.

O'Neill, P. (2009). El pretérito y tiempos averaos nel Dominiu Llingüísticu Ástur: formes diferentes pero non dixebraes [The preterite and related tenses in Asturian linguistic domain]. Lletres Asturianes, 100:27-41.

O'Neill, P. (2009). The effect of s-aspiration on occlusives in Andalusian Spanish. Oxford University Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics. 12:73-86.

Pamies, A., Amorós, M. C., & O'Neill, P. (2008). Esquemas entonativos de frase declarativa en el habla de Jaén [Intonational patterns in declarative clauses in the speech of Jaen]. Experimental Prosody. Special Issue (2) of Language Design. 191-202.

O'Neill, P. (2005). Final /s/ in Western Andalusian Spanish: the phonetic neutralization of a phonological contrast. Language Design, 7:151-166.

Conference Proceedings

O'Neill, P. (2008). La fonación murmurada y la preaspiración en andaluz [Breathy voice and pre-aspiration in Andalusian Spanish]. In A. Pamies, & E. Melguizo, New trends in experimental phonetics: selected papers from the IVth International Conference on Experimental Phonetics: (Granada, 11-14 feb. 2008) (pp. 193-200). Granda: Granada Lingvistica.

Goldbach, M., Hinzelin, M. O., Maiden, M., O’Neill, P., Smith, J. C., & Swearingen, A., (2007) À la recherche de l’arbitraire dans la morphologie diachronique et comparative du verbe roman: syncrétisme et supplétisme verbaux. In M. Iliescu, H. Siller-Runggaldier, & P. Danler (Ed.), XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes (Innsbruck, 3-8 septembre 2007) (pp. 311-320). Tübingen: Niemeyer.

O'Neill, P. (2006). La resolución del elemento sibilante en el andaluz [The outcome of /s/ in Andalusian Spanish]. V Congreso Andaluz de Lingüística General. Homenaje al Molina Redondo. 1, (pp. 513-523). Granda: Granada Lingvistica.

