


Publikationen - Publications

doctoral dissertation | book chapters, journal articles, papers in proceedings | book reviews | conferences, seminars, workshops

Doctoral dissertation

Daniela Müller, 2011, Developments of the lateral in Occitan dialects and their Romance and cross-linguistic context. Doctoral dissertation, Universitat de Tolosa 2 - Lo Miralh & Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. (pdf)

advisors: Patrick Sauzet (Univ. Toulouse 2), Edgar Radtke (Uni Heidelberg)

Book chapters, journal articles, papers in proceedings

Müller, Daniela & Marinus Wiedner, 2022, "Le schwa dans l'accent français méridional". Actes du 8e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 4-8 juillet 2022, Université d'Orléans; article 8006. (

Hofmann, Valentin & Müller, Daniela, under revision, "Vowel lengthening is not part of rhotic metathesis in Slavic". Submitted to Diachronica.

Müller, Daniela & Patrick Sauzet, under revision, “Illustrations of the IPA: Western Lengadocian Occitan”. Submitted to Journal of the International Phonetic Association

Müller, Daniela, to appear, “Perceptual confusion among laterals and rhotics in Modern Greek”. In Mairano, Paolo & Didier Demolin (eds.), Proceedings of ’R-atics 4, Grenoble, 29–31 October 2013 (working title). Series Studies on Language Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (submitted version/pre-revision)

Müller, Daniela & Enkeleida Kapia, 2019, “Children’s perception of the Albanian dark-clear lateral contrast”. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, 5-9 August 2019.

Kasstan, Jonathan & Müller, Daniela, 2018, “(l) as a sociolinguistic variable in Francoprovençal”. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249; pp. 99-118. (

Müller, Daniela, 2016, “Un estudi critic de l’evolucion /l:/ > /d/ > /d, dZ, tS/ en gascon e en gardiòl”. In Thomas, Jean & Wendy Pfeffer (eds.), Nouvelles recherches en domaine occitan : approches interdisciplinaires, Albi, 11–12 June 2009. Turnhout: Brepols. pp. 225-236.

Müller, Daniela, 2015, "On misperception in rhoticisation and lambdacisation". In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. (pdf)

Themistocleous, Charalambos & Müller, Daniela, 2015, "The intonation of Albanian polar questions and statements". In Botinis, Antonis (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th ISEL Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 26-27 June 2015, Athens, Greece; pp. 82-85. (pdf)

Müller, Daniela, 2015, "Cue weighting in the perception of phonemic and allophonic laterals along the darkness continuum: evidence from Greek and Albanian". Albanohellenica 6. (pdf)

Müller, Daniela, 2013, "Liquid dissimilation with a special regard to Latin". In Sánchez Miret, Fernando & Daniel Recasens (eds.), Studies in phonetics, phonology and sound change in Romance. München: LINCOM; pp. 95-109. 

Müller, Daniela & Martin Mota, Sidney, 2012, “A preliminary acoustic study of the Occitan vowel system”. In Barra-Jover, Mario, Guylaine Brun-Trigaud, Jean-Philippe Dalbera, Patrick Sauzet & Tobias Scheer (eds.), Etudes de linguistique gallo-romane. Saint-Denis: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes; pp. 149-159.

Müller, Daniela, 2011, "Approches expérimentales en langue minorisée. Le cas de l'occitan". In Christine Blauth-Henke & Matthias Heinz (eds.), Où en sont les études des langues régionales en domaine roman? Données - méthodes - modèles de description. Reihe DeLingulis. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag; pp. 49-60. 

Müller, Daniela, 2011, "Le sort de /l/ dans les dialectes occitans : vélarisation et palatalisation". In Rieger, Angelica (ed.), L'Occitanie invitée de l'Euregio. Liège 1981 - Aix-la-Chapelle 2008. Bilan et perspectives/ Occitània convidada d'Euregio. Lièja 1981 - Aquisgran 2008. Bilanç e amiras/ Okzitanien zu Gast in der Euregio. Lüttich 1981 - Aachen 2008. Bilanz und Perspektiven. Actes du neuvième Congrès International de l'AIEO, Aix-la-Chapelle, 24-31 août 2008. Aachen : Shaker; pp. 801-809.

Müller, Daniela, 2010, « Phonetic factors influencing /l/-rhoticisation in Greek ». In Botinis, Antonis (ed.), Proceedings of the third ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics; pp. 117-120. (pdf)

Müller, Daniela, 2010, « Analogias entre sintaxi e fonologia – formalismes e cognicion ». Lingüistica Occitana 8; pp. 58-85.

Müller, Daniela and Martin Mota, Sidney, 2009, "Acoustic cues of palatalisation in plosive + lateral onset clusters". Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, 6.-10.09.2009; pp. 1695-1698. (pdf)

Müller, Daniela, 2005, "La variacion allofonica de /r/ dins lo parlar de Montpelhièr". Lingüistica Occitana 3; pp. 13-27.

Book reviews

Müller, Daniela, 2007, Review of " Hervé Lieutard (2004), Phonologie et morphologie du parler occitan de Graulhet (Tarn). Structure, contenu et rôle de la syllabe", CEO, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III . In Lingüistica Occitana 5; pp. 69-76. (pdf)

Invited talks

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 2 March 2018: „Rhotic metathesis in Croatian“

Linguistische Werkstatt, Bamberg, 14 December 2016: "/l/-Palatalisierung im komplexen Silbenanlaut"

Analyse gesprochener Sprache: Datensammlung, Transkription, Interpretationsmodelle, Salzburg, 21 April 2016: "Aufnehmen, transkribieren, segmentieren, analysieren" (with Thomas Kisler)

Invited talk at the Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike, Tirana, 30 June 2014: "Cue weighting in the perception of darkness in Albanian laterals"

Experimental Phonetics and Sound Change (with special references to the Romance languages), Salamanca, 20 March 2012: "Liquid dissimilation in Latin" 

Bases de données - Méthodes - Modèles de description. De nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche sur les langues régionales et minoritaires ? Tübingen, 11-12 December 2008: "Apròchis experimentals en lenga minorizada: lo cas de l'occitan" 

Conferences, seminars, workshops

XXX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románicas, Tenerife, 4-9 July 2022: “Le schwa en français meridional” (talk; with Marinus Wiedner)

8e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Orléans, 4-8 July 2022: “Le schwa dans l’accent français meridional” (talk; with Marinus Wiedner)

19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, 5-9 August 2019: "Children's perception of the Albanian dark-clear lateral contrast" (poster; with Enkeleida Kapia)

The Ninth Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment: Language Revitalisation: New speakers, new challenges, new linguistic forms, Cambridge, 2 July 2019: "Who are the new speakers of Occitan? Language biographies and personality profiles" (talk; with Daniela Marzo)

The 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Lisbon, 19-22 June 2018: “The production and perception of rhotic metathesis” (poster; with Valentin Hofmann)

Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics, Herrsching am Ammersee, 3-5 May 2017: "Rhotic metathesis in CVrC and CrVC syllables: Evidence from Modern Croatian" (poster; with Valentin Hofmann)

The 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development , Boston, 4-6 November 2016: "Development of acoustic cue weighting in 3- and 5-year-old children: Evidence from the Albanian lateral contrast" (talk; with Enkeleida Kapia)

Personality in Speech Perception and Production. Satellite Workshop of the 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 17 July 2016: "Introduction: The State of Personality Research in Speech Perception & Production" (talk; with Keith Johnson)

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, 10-15 August 2015: "On misperception in rhoticisation and lambdacisation" (poster)

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015, Cambridge, 29-30 June 2015: "Duration as a secondary cue to degree of darkness in laterals" (poster)

6th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Athens, 26-27 June 2015: "The intonation of Albanian polar questions and statements" (talk; with Charalambos Themistocleous) 

2nd International Conference of Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek Studies: Diachronic and Synchronic Dimensions of Linguistic and Cultural Interaction between Greeks and Albanians, Tirana, 27-28 March 2015: "Cue weighting in the perception of phonemic and allophonic laterals along the darkness continuum: evidence from Greek and Albanian" (talk)

3rd Workshop on Sound Change: Sound Change in Interacting Human Systems, Berkeley, CA, USA, 28-31 May 2014: "Liquid metathesis" (abstract; poster)

'R-atics 4, Grenoble, 29-31 October 2013: "Rhoticisation and lambdacisation as perceptual confusion" (talk; with Ulrich Reubold)

Workshop on Sound Change Actuation, Chicago, 17-18 April 2013: "Confusion of laterals and rhotics in perception" (poster; with Ulrich Reubold)

2nd Workshop on Sound Change, Kloster Seeon, Bavaria, Germany, 2-4 May 2012: “On phonetic factors in lambdacisation and rhoticisation: Evidence from Greek” (poster)

Xe Congrès International de l'Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes, Besièrs, 12-19 June 2011: "Retroflexion de la laterala geminada en Gasconha - apròchis a travèrs l'istòria de la lingüistica modèrna" (talk)

Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2011, Tarragona, 21-23 June 2011: "The paradox of /l/-vocalisation in Romance: phonetics, phonotactics, and frequency effects" (poster)

First Workshop on Sound Change, Barcelona, 21-22 October 2010: "Palatalisation and velar-to-dental changes in velar + lateral clusters: The role of stop burst duration in German and Italian listeners" (poster)

Third ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, 25-26 August 2010: "Phonetic factors influencing /l/-rhoticisation in Greek" (poster)

Interspeech 2009, Brighton, 6-10 September 2009: "Acoustic cues of palatalisation in plosive + lateral onset clusters" (poster; with Sidney Martin Mota)

Nouvelle recherche en domaine occitan : approches interdisciplinaires, Albi, 11-12 June 2009 : " Un estudi critic de l'evolucion /l:/ > /d/ > /d, dZ, tS/ en gascon e en gardiòl " (talk)

IXe Congrès International de l'Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes, Aachen, 24-31 August 2008 : " Le sort de /l/ dans les dialectes occitans : vélarisation, pharyngalisation et palatalisation " (talk)

5en Obrador de Lingüistica Occitana, Tolosa, 04 July 2008: "Un apròchi acostic a la palatalizacion de /l/ en ataca complèxa" (talk; with Sidney Martín Mota)

4th Old World Conference in Phonology, Rhodos, 18-21 January 2007: "A preliminary acoustic study of the Occitan vowel system" (poster; with Sidney Martín Mota)

GalRom07 - Diachronie du gallo-roman, Niça, 15-16 January 2007: "A preliminary acoustic study of the Occitan vowel system" (poster; with Sidney Martín Mota)

20. Katalanistentag, Tübingen, 23-25 February 2006: "L'ensenyament de l'occità, entre estandardització i erosió fonològica" (talk; with Domergue Sumien)

3en Obrador de Lingüistica Occitana, Tolosa, 29 January 2005 : " La variacion allofonica de /r/ dins lo parlar de Montpelhièr " (talk)


and a couple of articles and other bits and pieces in Speculative Grammarian